Care of Vocations

Pastoral Care of Vocations

In each diocese, the Bishop entrust to a priest the mission of being careful to vocations. There is a great necessity to build a culture of the “call” in our society. This call is addressed to all baptized people, to be porters of the Good News where they are and where they live.

Thus will be relayed the specifics vocations that the Church needs for its Mission: religious vocations. Every baptized person is called to become disciple of the Christ. In their faith, some recognize a call from God, through the Holy Spirit, in the contemplation of Christ, the meditation of the Gospel, or a thought about an important event that occurred in his life, an encounter, etc.

They are called to put God in the center of their life, each one in accordance his own vocation. “And what about my vocation?” Everyone asks himself this question in his life, above all when around 20/30 years old. The priest in charge of vocations in your diocese is there to guide you.


Fr Mosebetsi Mokoena

Prayer for vocations

“I invite everyone to join me in imploring the Lord, so that there will never be a lack of labourers in his harvest:

Holy Father, eternal source of existence and love, who, in living man, show the splendour of your glory, and who put in his heart the seed of your call, let no-one, by reason of our negligence, ignore or lose this gift, but may everyone walk, with wholehearted generosity, towards the realisation of your Love.

Lord Jesus, who in your pilgrimage along the roads of Palestine, chose and called the apostles and entrusted to them their task of preaching the Gospel, feeding the faithful and celebrating divine worship, ensure that today, too, your Church may not lack numerous holy priests, who can bring to all the fruits of your death and resurrection.

Holy Spirit, who sanctify the Church with the constant pouring out of your gifts, place into the hearts of those called to the consecrated life a deep-rooted and resolute passion for the Kingdom, so that with a generous and unconditioned yes”, they may place their entire existences at the service of the Gospel.

Most holy Virgin, who without hesitation offered yourself to the Almighty for the carrying out of his plan of salvation, pour trust into the hearts of young people so that there may always be zealous pastors who are able to guide the Christian people on the way of life, and consecrated souls who may know how to witness, in chastity, poverty, and obedience, to the freeing presence of your risen Son. Amen

From the Vatican, 14th September 2000
John Paul II